Affiliated Relevant Supporting Information
We’ve compiled a collection of various websites and other resources that are related to and support the Kommos Conservancy. They are compiled into different categories. If you want to add to or edit this list, please contact us.
- "ASHLAR: Exploring the materiality of cut stone masonry in the eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age;" 8-9 March 2018; Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
- "Digital Humanities and Ritual Space" Rethymnon, Crete 19-21 Oct. 2018
- AIA Annual Meeting 2018 and 2019 meeting information
- ASOR 2018 Annual Meeting Denver CO 14-17 November 2018
- Course: "Virtual Reconstruction of Archaeological Sites Using GIS" 18-22 March, 2019, Heraklion, Crete
- ICOMOS: "Safeguarding the values of the European Heritage", 14-15 Sept. 2018, Athens
- Islands in Dialogue (ISLANDIA) Conference 14-16 November 2018 ; Università degli Studi di Torino (Turin, Italy).
- OIKOS: Archaeological Approaches to House Societies in the Ancient Aegean. 06-07 Dec. 2018; UCLouvain, Belgium
- On YouTube: SCAPECON18 "Towards a Relational Archaeology of Man, Nature, and Thing in the Aegean Bronze Age"
- "Nestor" Journal From U. Cincinnati
- Ian Swindale's Kommos Description
- Maintenance at Kommos
- Minoan Highway found in southern Crete NYT
- Minoan_chronology Wikipedia
- Plain of Phaistos: Cycles of Social Complexity in the Mesara Region of Crete
- Recent Developments in the Archaeology of Minoan Crete
- Studies in Honor of Joseph and Maria Shaw
- Technological and Social change in Phaistos, Crete, from the Final Neolithic through EMIIA
- University of Toronto: Kommos Publications
- A. Kanta: "The Religious Center of the City of Knossos: Excavations of a Plot in the Modern Village." 1 Nov 2017 NYC
- Exhibit: "REPLICA KNOWLEDGE, AN ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE MULTIPLE PAST" 15 Sept. 2017- 21 March 2018, Berlin
- Getty Center Talk: "Connections and Interactions between Crete and Egypt in the Bronze Age" 25 Aug.2018