The Future of the Great Minoan Triangle

In Athens there has been planning and implementation for 25 years on a project called the Unification of Archaeological Sites, which connects pedestrian pathways to different archaeological sites. This walkway across history and infrastructural improvement provides the heritage tourist safety, convenience and a quality experience. And …Just in time as the tourism industry, according to Kathimerini in July 2010, was severely impacted by internal unrest and the Icelandic volcano eruption combined with political-economic uncertainty, have cost Greece’s Tourism sector over €200,000,000. euros.
A branded, signed and promoted motorist (automobile and tour bus) connection for the three sites of the Minoan Triangle – Phaistos, Hagia Triada and Kommos, and communication with local tour and beach access operators, would contribute to the economic expansion of the western Messara. The Kommos Conservancy has been pursuing site and ruins stabilization for several years, design development planning for roof shelters over the Greek temple complex and the Minoan kiln has been completed. We are working on an interpretive design plan, as there is much to teach, inform and enjoy from the 35 years of focused archaeological excavation and publication for the presently closed Kommos site.
Another article from Kathimerini – Athens Plus entitled Fix the Investment Climate Now, dated 27 September 2010 speaks to the multitude of investments necessary and the wisdom of continued building on previous efforts. The town of Pitsidia and the recreational beach adjacent to Kommos are tourist amenities that form yet another great triangle of leveraged opportunities for constructing the planned infrastructure – for archaeological park development. In the past the Kommos Conservancy has sought and received the support of the local and regional governments in Pitsidia, and Tymbaki. (click here for the town declaration) Another important step was the review and support of the Iraklion based staff associated with the National Ministry of Culture (now combined with the former Ministry of Tourism!) – through the office of the 23rd Ephorate. Kommos Conservancy conservation architect Clairy Palyvou, also presented the Kommos Conservancy plans for two roof shelters to officials in the Athens office with a plan towards the creation of an archaeological park, that would bring commerce, cultural tourism and education of the Minoan, ancient Greek, Phoenician and Roman civilizations back to the Mesara valley and coast. We are committed to the stewardship and planned development of the pre-historic seaport of Kommos as a sustainable archaeological park.
A forum on the past Great Minoan Triangle was sponsored by Kommos Conservancy President Joseph Shaw and Vice President Maria Shaw , which considered the prehistoric associations of Kommos, Hagia Triada and Phaistos. Speaker notes, discussions and bibliography has also been made available through this web site.
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